Meeting of the 6-Town Boards
Breed, Doty, Lakewood, Mountain, Riverview and Townsend
The Town Boards of Breed, Doty, Lakewood, Mountain, Riverview and Townsend will be meeting on: Monday, January 20, 2014 at 6:30pm in the Townsend Town Hall 16564 Elm Street Townsend, WI. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss areas of mutual interest, concerns and ways to address them.
1. Convene in Open Session, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call
2. Approve Agenda & Approve 11/19/13 Meeting Minutes
3. Guest Speakers Pat Virtues & Mike Janssen
4. Satellite Office Options- Committee
5. Brush Site Availability & Use
6. Business Update
7. Monthly O.C.E.D.C. Report-Karow
8. Other Business
9. Public Comment
10. Set Next Meeting Date and Place
11. Adjourn
Posted: January 19, 2014
By: _____________________________, Clerk
Lynn Kauzlaric
Town of Mountain