Breed, Doty, Lakewood, Mountain, Riverview and Townsend
February 17, 2016-Minutes
Townsend Town Hall
Called to order by: Chairman, Mike Grobe.
Roll Call:
1.) Breed
2.) Doty-Bob Gaie
3.) Lakewood-Joanne Roy
4.) Mountain-Cheryl Ustianowski
5.) Riverview-Ann Hogan
6.) Townsend-Mike Grobe
Others in attendance: Terry Schrank, Andrew Stemp, Bruce Charlier, Steve Hakama, Al Lauterborn, Mike Rzepka, Nick Wilson, Dave Christianson, Randy Jackett, Rob McClain, Lee Spletter, Andy Seibert, John, VandenLangberg, Chris Schultz and Rick Opiela
February 17, 2016 meeting called to order at 6:32 p.m. Cheryl Ustianowski. Approval of most recent minutes 1st Hogan, 2nd Grobe
1.) Discussion of Aspirus Meeting-Hogen
2.) Fire Departments researched Fire Districts,to be continued
3.) Questions and Answers with Consultants-Will return will complete Presentation
4.) Discussion on Data and Graphs were Tabled
5.) Discussion on Models and Future Directions Tabled
Other business:
1.) Next Meeting-March 16, 2016, Wednesday at Riverview,Town Hall at 5:30 p.m.
Motion to Adjourn
Respectfully Submitted
Adriane Bartels, Secretary