6TB Minutes Nov 19, 2013

6-Town Meeting
Breed, Doty, Lakewood, Mountain, Riverview & Townsend
November 19, 2013 

Richard VandeWettering, Breed Chair, opened the 6-Town meeting at 6:30pm in the Breed Town Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance.   Roll call: Breed-Ethel Firgens, Richard VandeWettering, Larry Zimmerman; Doty-Dick Kendall; Lakewood-Gigi Bartels, Joanne Roy; Mountain-None ; Riverview-Michael Rzepka; Townsend-Bruce Karow; 6-Town Secretary-Pam Bursek

Roy motioned to approve agenda as printed, Kendall 2nd, all were in favor, MC. Roy motioned to approve minutes of the September 25, 2013 meeting as printed, Karow 2nd all were in favor, MC.

Guest Geri Hammer was unable to attend the meeting to speak on a joint ownership of the Dog Park in Riverview. Breed, Lakewood, Doty and Townsend said they brought up the dog park at the meeting and had no interest shown. Towns (excluding Mountain who had no representation) agreed to not persue this issue anymore.

Satellite building options- Karow went through a composite of different prices, locations & buildings for possible building. Topics discussed between committee and Towns were speed issues, turning lanes and office space. Kendall will contact Sheriff’s Dept and Zoning to invite them to next meeting for their input. Item tabled.

The letter to DeCoster RE: non-renewal of lease for Sat Office was signed and mailed and had no response yet.

Towns agreed there is no need for a uniform hall rental for special interest groups.

Brush Site-Kendall suggested not creating more brush sites, but the possibility of sharing costs with Riverview for theirs. Ann Hogan was nominated to bring in costs for their brush site to next meeting. Item tabled.

Michael Rzepka, Humane Officer liaison, spoke with James Bubb, Humane Officer for 6-Towns and hopefully all issues are cleared up. Rzepka asked that problems be addressed to him and he will contront Bubb about them.

Kendall mentioned to keep adding any questions/answers to the survey regarding questions most often asked.

Business updates: a greenhouse moved from Breed to Doty.

Karow did not attend the OCEDC meeting-nothing to report

No other business and no public comment.

Next meeting will be Monday, January 20, 2014 in Townsend at 6:30pm.

Kendall motioned to adjourn, Roy 2nd MC. Meeting adjourned at 7:37pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela J. Bursek, Secretary

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