Meeting of the 6-Town Boards
Breed, Doty, Lakewood, Mountain, Riverview & Townsend
The Town Boards of Breed, Doty, Lakewood, Mountain, Riverview & Townsend will be meeting on:
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at 6:30pm at the Riverview Town Hall Hwy 32, Riverview. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss areas of mutual interest, concerns & ways to address them.
1. Convene in Open Session, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call
2. Approve Agenda & Approve 04/26/12 Meeting Minutes
3. OC District Attorney Candidate Introduction-Brent DeBord
4. Anne Maletzke, Spur of the Moment Ranch-Presentation on Tourism
5. Paul Ehfurth, Exc. Director OCEDC-Introduction
6. Humane Officer Future Replacement/Mike Rzepka-Wirth
7. Letter from Kevin Hamann RE:Sharing Rental at Sat Office-Hogan
8. Reduction of Sat Office Rent/Don DeCoster-Rapp
9. Business Update
10. Monthly O.C.E.D.C. Report-Ann Hogan, Riverview
11. Other Business
12. Public Comment
13. Set Next Meeting Date & Place
14. Adjourn Meeting
Posted: July 11, 2012
By: Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk
Town of Mountain