6TB October 24, 2012

 6-Town Meeting
Breed, Doty, Lakewood, Mountain, Riverview & Townsend
October 24, 2012

Meeting opened at 6:30pm at the Breed Town Hall by Chairman Richard VanDerWetting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call: Breed-VanDerWetting, Firgens.  Doty-Markensen.  Lakewood-Roy.  Mountain-Uecke, Wirth.  Riverview-Hogan, Trosch, Hansen.  Townsend-Rapp, Karow, Dutton, Bursek, Brantmeier, OIC Ashbeck.  Guest speakers: Dorothy Kegley, Tom Tiffany, Jeff Mursau & OIC Michael Ashbeck, Townsend PD.

Agenda was approved by Uecke, Dutton 2nd, all were in favor MC.  September 12, 2012 6-Town Meeting minutes were approved by Hogan, 2nd by Rapp, all were in favor MC.

Candidates Kegley, Tiffany & Mursau gave their campaign views & opintions.

Townsend OIC Michael Ashbeck talked with Towns on the 1033 Program equipment and the need to expand the Community K-9 Search & Rescue Task Force with the surrounding Towns.  Ashbeck & Bursek will get an equipment list and the Ada Electric information to the Towns.  Ashbeck would like to see Town Halls set up to accept generators, obtained though the 1033 Program, in case of an emergency or disaster.  He would also like to see other Towns share some of the equipment for rescue and other uses.

Tom Tallier was not able to make the meeting.

Hogan mentioned the $126,000.00 being charged by Brown County Library will be on our tax bill this year and must be paid. She mentioned the need to change the law by redistricting or possibility of a future joint library agreement or opening up another library.

Rapp mentioned for Towns to purchase the existing Satellite building in Townsend from DeCoster would be approx $5,000.00 per Town per year for 10 years.  She said DeCoster had a signed contract from Towns agreeing to pay rent for next 3 years.  Hogan montioned not signing contract again & Mursau said he’d check into possibility of getting Towns out of Contract.  Roy again informed Towns of already pre-existing building in Lakewood, the old What A Gas property, was still available.  Options will be further looked into and discussed at future meeting.

Hansen said the Comprehensive Planning Commission Training, with Jamie Broem, OC Zoning, at Riverview was a good seesion overall.  Topics of variences, census data, physical address and reviewing  after 5 years were discussed.  All the Towns were well represented.

Hogan will invite the new Humane Officer, James Bubb to the next meeting.

New business up-dates: Rapp mentioned Townsend has a new business in the old MJ Beans building  called Harry & Laurie’s Restaurant.  Also, VanDerWetting mentioned old Nu-Line building in Suring has possibilities of opening up with new business.

Brantmeier gave an update on the OCEDC asking Towns to budget $500 for OCEDC donation to help improve tourism in the Northwoods.  Brantmeier also mentioned the new director, Erfurth, has tons of energy and a positive outlook at really helping with tourism &mpre businesses added more ads in the Discovery Guide this year.

No other business.

Public comment: Uecke & Rapp both mentioned having Halloween Trick-Or-Treating indoor party options for children on Halloween in their Towns.

Next meeting will be at the Townsend Town Hall on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 6:30pm.

Trosch motioned to adjourn, Wirth 2nd, all were in favor, MC.  Meeting ajourned at 8:37pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela J. Bursek, 6-Town Secretary

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