7TB Minutes August 1, 2016

Meeting of the Seven Towns
Brazeau, Breed, Doty, Lakewood, Mountain, Riverview, Townsend

August 1, 2016

Call to order by: Town of Breed Chairman, Dick VandeWettering at 6:30 p.m.

Roll call:
1. Breed – Richard VandeWettering, Ethel Firgens, Larry Zimmerman
2. Doty – Dick Kendall, Andy Dryja
3. Lakewood – Joanne Roy
4. Mountain – Cheryl Ustianowski
5. Riverview – Ann Hogan, Dick Booth
6. Townsend – Carla VanCamp
7. Seven Town Secretary – Mary Kendall

Others in attendance:
Nick Achtermeier – Harters Fox Valley Disposal, Wittenberg
Julie & Steve Elbe – JNS Enterprises, Mountain

Pledge of Allegiance

Establish the order of the day

Business Items:

1. Nick Achtermeier gave a presentation on Harters Disposal.

2. Discussion and questions followed regarding recycling and solid waste options going forward for the towns of Breed, Doty, Mountain and Riverview. Suggestions and advice ideas were offered by the towns of Lakewood and Townsend since they have already
made the decision to go with Eagle Waste & Recycling.

3. Oconto County will offer waste management until 01/01/17.

4. Joanne Roy has completed the paperwork for the town of Lakewood to apply for a grant that would provide partial funding for waste management costs. Dick Kendall made a motion to have the other six Town Supervisors get cost and tonnage numbers to Joanne
in order to have the Towns apply for the grant as one group. Seconded by Dick Booth. Motion approved. Joanne will email Town Supervisors all necessary forms to complete and return to her by August 20, 2016.

5. Town Board Meetings are the week of August 8th so the towns of Breed, Doty, Mountain and Riverview will put the waste management and grant topics on their agenda for discussion and approval.

Approval of Minutes:

Minutes from the June 2, 2016 meeting were not read as they pertain to the Seven Towns Meeting.

Other Business:

Currently, the only topic for a future meeting is “Concealed Carry”. The next Seven Towns Meeting will not be scheduled until more agenda items are available.

Motion to Adjourn at 7:52 by Dick VandeWettering and seconded by Mary Kendall.

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