Cemetery Special Mtg Minutes May 4, 2015

Towns of Riverview, Doty and Mountain

Annual Cemetery Committee Meeting

May 4, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 4:05 pm at the Mountain Town Office by Chairman Dick Booth (Riverview).  Cheryl Ustianowski (Mountain) and Sexton John Vandenlangenberg are also present.  Andy Dryja (Doty) absent.  Mountain Deputy Clerk, Christine Ermis, present to record minutes.

No minutes available from September 24, 2014 meeting (tabled until next meeting).  Pledge of Allegiance is said.

Vandenlangenberg gave the Sexton’s report.  Been busy, selling quite a few lots, burying quite a few people.  Bad news, Jim’s doctor said he shouldn’t work anymore, so he will be turning in his papers soon.  Going to have to put an ad out for his position and include (in addition to the equipment maintenance) doing paperwork as well, as he had no backup for that.

The GT235 smells of burning oil and releases a puff of blue smoke when being started up.  Says they can get by with the small mower, but it will take a little longer.  Ustianowski wants the GT235 looked at sooner rather than later.  Gendron’s (Coleman) is who they’ve gone through.  Ustianowski makes a motion for mower to get checked on at Gendron’s, seconded by Booth.  Motion carried.

New Business:  Vandenlangenberg said everything is under control, he received the black dirt and the graves from winter are all covered.  Booth stated that there will be a meeting with the VFW; they will be putting the flags up.  Vandenlangenberg puts the POW/MIA flags up in the morning.  Booth said we now have our own bugle.  They are running into problems with people stealing staffs because they are made of brass.

Old Business:  Netto doesn’t want to split land, been for sale for over a year.  Ustianowski will continue to work on a price for 10 acres.  Vandenlangenberg said, with some modifications, could get about 150 lots by the sheds, but would have to level the land.  Special meeting could be called for the land sale purpose.  Vandenlangenberg said the 2 sheds will be eliminated down to 1 – one shed, water gets into, and the other has a lot of wasps.  They have two 8×8 sheds and would like a 20×20 so everything can get stored together.  He’s called 5 contractors but no one has called him back.  He might see what the Amish builders charge for the sheds on Cty R.  Ustianowski said Suring High School does 1 class building project a year, she could talk to them and see if they would consider doing this for the cemetery.  We supply the materials and the class builds for free.  She asked about the time frame that we would need the shed and Vandenlangenberg said we could table that until next year if the school is interested in the project.  She also asked if electricity is needed.  Vandenlangenberg and Booth said the state statutes are strict; there is no need for electricity.  Vandenlangenberg works on the machines at home or at the Mountain Shop and Mountain charges the batteries over the winter.  Flag pole might need electricity, but Booth said to bypass the electricity for now.  Ustianowski said she will contact Suring High and ask if they would be interested in this project.

Vandenlangenberg said the driveway is starting to buckle and heave when coming in from Silver Hill.  It needs to be chip sealed (about 100 ft. and not even 12 ft. wide) needs to go past the tree, but should go to the flag pole by the trees.  Booth asked if Mountain can budget this into their roads or possibly ask to get it onto the 6 Towns Meeting and maybe someone will bail us out on that.  Ustianowski will also talk to Fahrner Asphalt and see if they will be in the area and what the cost would be.

Vandenlangenberg said if anyone needs or would like a tour of the cemetery, let him know, he’s more that willing to take them around.

Meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted for approval by,

_________________________________ this 11th day of May, 2015

Christine Ermis, Town of Mountain Deputy Clerk


Posted this _____ day of May, 2015 by


Clerk, Town of ______________________

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