Mtg 3 Towns Doty, Mountain, Riverview 2-22-22


Meeting of the 3 Towns – Doty, Mountain & Riverview

Doty Town Hall – Wednesday, Feb. 22, 6:30 p.m.  

The Town Boards of Doty, Mountain & Riverview will be meeting on Wednesday, February 22, 2012  at 6:30 p.m. at the Doty Town Hall (14899 County Road T, Mountain, WI 54149)

Each of the Towns’ Board members are invited to the table.  This is a follow-up meeting to the one held in early February.  The purpose of the meeting is to continue discussion regarding the Intergovernmental Agreement for Emergency Services; and to discuss issues and concerns as they relate to the Agreement.  The suggestions, dialogue and discussion may lead to action.


1.      Invocation and call to order. [Dick Kendall, Chairman – Town of Doty].
2.      Commence open session with the Pledge of Allegiance.
3.      Roll call of the Towns.
4.      Review meeting of Feb. 1st.  Discuss purpose of this evening’s meeting.
5.      Review materials circulated earlier and handouts.
6.      Discuss potential solutions to perceived problems; consider financial implications.
7.      Discuss possible alterations to the agreement.
8.      Consider the appropriate procedure for making changes to the agreement.
9.      Public Comment.
10.   Establish next meeting date, time and place.
11.   Adjournment

(If you have any questions regarding this meeting,
please call Dick Kendall at 920-731-4994)

Posted this 20th Day of February, 2012

Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk
Town of Mountain