PC Minutes August 6, 2013



The meeting was called to order by Chairman Herman at 7:03 p.m. in the Town Office. Roll call was taken with Hull, Grandaw-Ustainowski, Maletzke and Herman present as well as 2 in attendance; Litscher absent. The agenda was posted on August 5, 2013. Motion to approve the Agenda by Maletzke. Seconded by Hull. Motion carried.

Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting June 6, 2013 were available for review. Motion to accept minutes by Hull. Seconded by Grandaw-Ustainowski. Motion carried.

Overlap in Deeds – N. Anderson Lake Lane – Jess from Northeast Survey present to discuss error discovered in recent Title Search for property to be purchased; discussed options to fix problem-have property owners agree on re-assessment or Assessor’s Plat to resurvey boundaries in area and work out boundary issues with property owners; PC member Maletzke discussed that Assessor Plat was ordered for boundary issue on West Shore Drive; Jess mentioned that Mark Tuetenberg from Oconto County would work with Town on process for Assessor Plat Survey is decided. Motion that the Town move forward with an Assessor’s Survey by Maletzke. Seconded by Grandaw-Ustainowski. Motion carried. Recommendation to Town Board.

Application for Land Division – C. Yokeum – Jess from Northeast Survey present to discuss Land Division Application; Terry Beyer would like to purchase Lot 1; members discussed zero lot line on commercial properties (Oconto County does not require variance); questioned if fire rated wall is needed for zero lot line; Lot 1 is approximately .59 acres; Lot 2 is approximately 1.015 acres. Motion to recommend to Town approval for Application for Land Division by Hull. Seconded by Maletzke. Motion carried.Recommendation to Town Board. 

Application for Rezone – C. Yokeum – Jess from Northeast Survey present to discuss Rezone Application; currently small corner section is zoned residential; need to rezone to commercial for Land Division. Motion to rezone small triangular shaped area for Application for Rezone by Maletzke. Seconded by Herman. Motion carried. Recommendation to Town Board.

Past Determinations / Public Comments – none

Communications – none

Next Planning Commission Meeting Thursday, September 3, 2013 @ 5:00 p.m.

Motion to adjourn by Hull. Seconded by Maletzke. Motion carried. Time is 7:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted for approval by,


Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk