PC Minutes February 1, 2011


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bollenbach at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office.  Roll call was taken with Hull, Litscher, Lauterborn, Herman and Bollenbach present as well as 2 in attendance.  The agenda was posted on January 29, 2011. Motion to approve the Agenda by Lauterborn.  Seconded by Herman.  Motion carried.

Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting January 4, 2011 were available for review.  Motion to accept minutes by Herman.  Seconded by Hull.  Motion carried.

Results ATV Application – Quince Gaynor – 9 surveys sent; 5 received back with 2 Yes votes and 3 No votes.  Motion to not pass application by Lauterborn.  Seconded by Herman.  Motion carried.  Application Declined.

Results ATV Application – Kingsbury – 32 surveys sent; 28 received back with 24 Yes votes and 4 No votes; discussion regarding fax received from Forest Service; discussion regarding possibility of 2 ft of private property between road right-of-way and railroad (trail) right-of-way; copy of 1959 Deed received from town resident.  Motion to approve based on the recommendations of our committee because of the sizable vote for the road to be opened and that if there is any issue with the property ownership (that 2 feet we were talking about) that the Town of Mountain would get that reviewed and make sure that that is legal and if there was any question on it that we would said to the Town Board that it does not have to come back to the Planning Commission; that they have our approval on it if it in fact passes their criteria for ownership (in other words that the deed takes care of that) by Bollenbach.  Seconded by Herman.  Motion carried.  Recommendation to Town Board.

Past Determinations – none

Communications – Chairman Bollenbach will not be available if there is a March 1stPlanning Commission meeting.

Next Planning Commission Meeting Tuesday, March 1, 2011 @ 7:00 p.m. 

Motion to adjourn by Lauterborn.  Seconded by Litscher.  Motion carried.  Time is 7:18 p.m.

Respectfully submitted for approval by,


Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk