The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bollenbach at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office. Roll call was taken with Hull, Litscher, Lauterborn, and Bollenbach present as well as 1 in attendance. Herman absent. The agenda was posted on December 31, 2010. Motion to approve the Agenda by Lauterborn. Seconded by Litscher. Motion carried.
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting December 7, 2010 were available for review. Motion to accept minutes by Litscher. Seconded by Lauterborn. Motion carried.
Conditional Use Application – Mountain Stone Corp – Application reviewed by Planning Commission. Motion to approve application by Lauterborn. Seconded by Bollenbach. Motion carried. Recommendation to Town Board.
Results Snowmobile Application-Quince Gaynor– 9 surveys sent; 6 returned with a vote of 3-yes; 3-no; does not meet criteria. Motion to deny the permit due to not passing the town criteria of over 50% of the property owners approving it by Bollenbach. Seconded by Hull. Motion carried.
Review ATV Application – Quince Gaynor – review of route. Motion to send out survey to people on that route by Lauterborn. Seconded by Bollenbach. Motion carried. Surveys to be sent out for route.
Review ATV Application – Kingsbury – James Kingsbury available to answer questions. Motion to send out appropriate surveys by Lauterborn. Seconded by Bollenbach. Motion carried. Surveys to be sent out for route.
Past Determinations – none
Communications – none
ATV Surveys to be opened on Saturday, January 29th @ 8:30 a.m.
Next Planning Commission Meeting Tuesday, February 1, 2011 @ 7:00 p.m.
Motion to adjourn by Lauterborn. Seconded by Bollenbach. Motion carried. Time is 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted for approval by,
Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk