PC Minutes March 1, 2011


The meeting was called to order by Town Chairman Hull at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office.  Roll call was taken with Hull, Litscher, Lauterborn, and Herman present as well as 2 in attendance.  Chairman Bollenbach absent.  The agenda was posted on February 25, 2011. Motion to approve the Agenda by Herman. Seconded by Lauterborn.  Motion carried.


Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting February 1, 2011 were available for review.  Motion to accept minutes by Lauterborn.  Seconded by Herman.  Motion carried.


Bear Paw Scout Camp request for designated swim area – Waterway Marker Application and Permit was received from Ranger Anderson at Bear Paw Scout Camp; Clerk Kauzlaric explained request from Ranger Anderson for placement of 2 Swim area markers; Litscher discussed that boat area is on other side of lake.  Motion to accept this application by Litscher.  Seconded by Herman.  Motion carried. Recommendation to Town Board.


Dusty Trails ATV-Grant to asphalt trails off of roads – Town Board Chairman Hull explained request from Dusty Trails ATV Club to receive Town approval to asphalt some roads 50’ off road right-of-way; list of roads not supplied because this will be determined by amount received from grant, which Chairman Hull believes is to be received from the DNR; Planning commission discussed need to watch for drainage and pitch issues.  Motion to approve it by Lauterborn.  Motion amended to approve it with the specifications that it will meet the Town’s drainage problems going to any of the roads by Lauterborn.  Seconded by Litscher. Motion carried.  Recommendation to Town Board.


Past Determinations – none


Communications –



Next Planning Commission Meeting MONDAY, April 4, 2011 @ 7:00 p.m. (Due to Spring Election on Tuesday, April 5th)


Motion to adjourn by Herman.  Seconded by Lauterborn.  Motion carried.  Time is 7:09 p.m.


Respectfully submitted for approval by,





Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk