The meeting was called to order by Chairman Herman at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office. Roll call was taken with Litscher, Lauterborn, and Herman present as well as 1 in attendance; Hull and Maletzke absent. The agenda was posted on March 2, 2013. Motion to approve the Agenda by Herman. Seconded by Lauterborn. Motion carried.
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting February 5, 2013 were available for review. Motion to accept minutes by Lauterborn. Seconded by Litscher. Motion carried.
DRAFT – All-Terrain Vehicle Ordinance #01-2013 to Replace Existing All-Terrain Vehicle Routes Ordinance #8-2007 – Draft of Ordinance reviewed; discussion regarding criteria to close road with survey sent and results to be 51%; change application to open roads to be Application to Close Town Road as ATV/UTV Route with notation regarding majority vote requirement to close road; public comment making a formal request to withdraw this Ordinance for safety reasons. Motion that the All-Terrain Vehicle Ordinance #01-2013 to Replace Existing All-Terrain Vehicle Routes Ordinance #8-2007 be approved by Lauterborn. Seconded by Herman. Recommendation to Town Board.
Past Determinations / Public Comments – none
Communications – none
Next Planning Commission Meeting MONDAY, April 1, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m.
Motion to adjourn by Lauterborn. Seconded by Herman. Motion carried. Time is 7:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted for approval by,
Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk