PC Minutes November 5, 2014


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Herman at 7:26 p.m. in the Town Office. Roll call was taken with Hull, Schmidt, Ustianowski, Maletzke and Herman present as well as 2 in attendance. The agenda was posted on November 5, 2014. Motion to approve the Agenda by Maletzke. Seconded by Schmidt. Motion carried.

Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting October 7, 2014 were available for review. Motion to accept minutes by Hull. Seconded by Maletzke. Motion carried.

Business Lot #10 – Perspective buyers were in attendance to discuss plans for Lot #10 when purchase completed; working as agent for property owner for possible rezone from Industrial to General Commercial and Conditional Use for dog grooming, boarding and retail sales; PC Members asked questions regarding business plans; rough draft drawings available for review; applications for Rezone and Conditional Use were completed; confusing regarding current zoning; Clerk Kauzlaric to verify zoning with Oconto County.

–          Rezone Application: Motion that the Planning Commission recommend rezone to General Commercial, if it’s required by the County if the zoning is in fact Industrial by Maletzke. Seconded by Herman. Motion carried.

–          Conditional Use Application: Motion to approve Conditional Use Permit as requested; contingent on County approval of rezone with actual plans back to Planning Commission for reference by Matletzke. Seconded by Ustianowski. Motion carried.

Past Determinations / Public Comments – none

Communications – none

Next Planning Commission Meeting Tuesday, December 2, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. 

Motion to adjourn by Hull. Seconded by Schmidt. Motion carried. Time is 8:27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted for approval by,


Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk