The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bollenbach at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office. Roll call was taken with Hull, Kuschel, Lauterborn present, Charlson absent as well as 7 in attendance. The agenda was posted on January 31, 2010. Motion to approve the agenda by Lauterborn. Seconded by Hull. Motion carried.
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting January 5, 2010 were available for review. Motion to accept minutes by Hull. Seconded by Lauterborn. Motion carried.
Results ATV Application from Goodrich-Johns Lane/Silver Hill/Church Road – 27 surveys sent out; 25 received back with 12 in favor of and 13 against; did not meet required votes for approval. Application denied.
Results ATV Application from Stefanec-Leo’s/Hillside/South Shore/N Anderson Lake – 66 surveys sent out; 61 received back (including one faxed) with 25 in favor of and 36 against; did not meet required votes for approval. Application denied.
Review ATV Application from Mleziva-Amended route Zieries/Arvid Lane – Application denied due to contingency not meet of Leo’s/Hillside/South Shore/N Anderson Lake application passing. Results were opened for reference count if route would not have been amended; 32 surveys sent out; 25 received back (1 returned to sender address unknown) with 16 in favor of and 9 against; when added to other route totals – 86 received with 41 in favor of and 45 against; application would have been denied.
CSM-Schaut – was reviewed by Schaut; discussion included Lot 1 less than ½ acre; planning commission discussed Town of Mountain requires min. 1 acre for building for residential; Schaut discussed proposed use for Lot 1 will be commercial use. Motion to approve with contingency of minimum of ½ acre and it would be used only for commercial use for that ½ acre by Hull. Seconded by Bollenbach. Motion carried. Recommendation to Town Board.
Member Charlson Discussion – Planning commission discussed need for replacement of Charlson at this time; no confirmed candidate at this time. Motion to table until someone agrees to sit on Planning Commission by Lauterborn. Seconded by Bollenbach. Motion carried.
Past Determinations – none
Communications – none
No Planning Commission Meeting in March due to Chairman Bollenbach out of town
Motion to adjourn by Lauterborn. Seconded by Kuschel. Motion carried. Time is 7:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted for approval by,
Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk