The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bollenbach at 7:03 p.m. in the Town Office. Roll call was taken with Hull, Kuschel, Lauterborn present, Charlson absent as well as 1 in attendance. The agenda was posted on January 3, 2010. Motion to approve the agenda by Lauterborn. Seconded by Kuschel. Motion carried.
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting October 6, 2009 were available for review. Motion to accept minutes by Hull. Seconded by Lauterborn. Motion carried.
Review ATV Application from Stefanec-Leo’s/Hillside/South Shore/N Anderson Lake was reviewed. Motion to send out survey to open trail access from 13307 N Anderson Lake Rd east to Leo’s Road then Hillside north of Anderson Lake, Y camp way north of Anderson Lake, Leo’s north of Anderson Lake and South Shore north of Anderson Lake as per his application by Bollenbach. Seconded by Lauterborn. Motion carried.
Review ATV Application from Mleziva-South Shore/Hillside/Y-camp way/Leo’s/N Anderson Lake/Zieries was reviewed. Discussion regarding duplication of roads to be open as per application received from Stefanec. Motion to approve sending survey for Zieries (North, South, East & West) and Arvid Lane, approval contingent on first request of N Anderson Lake, Leo’s, Hillside, Y camp and South Shore by Hull. Seconded by Kuschel. Motion carried.
Past Determinations –
– Discussion regarding Silver Hill/Church Road ATV application with not all survey request responses received. Date set to open responses received on Saturday, January 16th at 8:00 a.m. at the Town Office with Planning Commission member Lauterborn to be present.
– Chairman Bollenbach brought up discussion regarding future ATV applications – open survey responses by posting date and time with Planning commission member present; creating a guideline sheet regarding discussion topics for ATV road opening-safety concerns/issues (not questions relating to DNR operator regulations & state regulations).
– Chairman Bollenbach was contacted by Town of Brazeau and asked to notify Planning commission that they are planning to build a Fire station that will most likely be located on Hwy 64.
– Email received from Evelyn Charlson regarding Planning Commission member Glenn Charlson’s progress; to place on agenda for February meeting.
Planning Commission Meeting February 2nd 7:00 p.m. @ Town Office
Motion to adjourn by Lauterborn. Seconded by Kuschel. Motion carried. Time is 7:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted for approval by,
Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk