Planning Commission September 7, 2010

PLANNING COMMISSION    September 7, 2010

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bollenbach at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office.  Roll call was taken with Hull, Lauterborn, Herman and Bollenbach present as well as 3 in attendance.  The agenda was posted on September 5, 2010. Motion to approve the Agenda by Lauterborn.  Seconded by Herman.  Motion carried.

Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting July 6, 2010 were available for review.  Motion to accept minutes by Herman.  Seconded by Hull.  Motion carried.

Variance Request-Kelly & Ellen Flynn (Kevin Marshall) – no one here at this time-moved to later in agenda.

Conditional Use Application-Anthony Widowski (Evergreen Park, lot #61) – pictures provided for 1986 mobile home; Anthony Widowski available to answer questions.  Motion to accept conditional use by Lauterborn.  Seconded by Hull.  Motion carried. Recommendation to Town Board.

Conditional Use Application-Anthony Widowski (Evergreen Park, lot #40) – pictures provided for 1976 mobile home; Anthony Widowski available to answer questions; individual wanting to move this home into Evergreen Park-he was given a list of item to bring home up to standards; inspection is completed by Anthony Widowski prior to allowing occupancy.  Motion to approve application and that before Tony allows occupancy that Planning Commission see his approval from inspection report prior to occupancy by Hull.  Seconded by Lauterborn.  Motion carried.  Recommendation to Town Board.

Variance Request-Kelly & Ellen Flynn (Kevin Marshall) – Kevin Marshall available to explain variance and answer questions; concern for patchwork and future cost to town.  Motion to accept line going across the alley but with the agreement with Kevin, and/or owner, that within the first year they will fix any patchwork by Hull.  Seconded by Herman.  Motion carried.  Recommendation to Town Board.

Building Ordinance Review – reviewed 20 year Comprehensive Plan recommendations.  Tabled for future research.

Planning Commission replacement member discussion – discussed need to replace Planning Commission member Dar Kuschel; recommendation made that Town Board Chairman Hull will pursue further.

Past Determinations – none

Communications – none

Next Planning Commission Meeting October 5, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m.

Motion to adjourn by Lauterborn.  Seconded by Herman.  Motion carried.  Time is 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted for approval by,


Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk