Meeting of the 3 Towns
Doty, Mountain & Riverview
The Town Boards of Doty, Mountain, and Riverview will be meeting on Wednesday, April 18, 7:00 p.m. at the Riverview Town Hall. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss, review, and revise the Intergovernmental Agreement for Emergency Medical Services; and to discuss issues and concerns as they relate to the agreement.
Convene in Open Session, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call
1. FOMAS Invoice–Riverview
2. Comments, Concerns, Issues with Commissioners’ Methodology Proposal—All
3. Consensus on Methodology–All
4. Termination Clause Discussion—All
5. Public Comment
6. Next Meeting Date & Time
7. Adjournment
Posted this 17th Day of April, 2012
Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk/Treasurer
Town of Mountain