3TB Meeting Minutes October 17, 2012

 Minutes of the Three Towns Meeting
Held between the Towns of Doty, Mountain & Riverview,
October 17, 2012

Convened into open session at 6:30, followed by Pledge and roll call.

In attendance- Uecke (Mountain), Kendall (Doty), and Hogan, Trosch, Booth (all Riverview).  Others included Judy Wanner, Paal Hansen, Ruth Dehne, Bob Gaie, Mike Pichotta, Mike Rzepka, and for a part, by conference call, attorney Mike Bartels.

Before the conference call scheduled for 7:15, there was discussion from nearly everyone on the document that Attorney Bartels had drafted from the last Three Towns Meeting. This was to include our agreed upon changes to certain wording and paragraph structure, voting structure, and some smaller miscellaneous changes. It was felt among the group, that the newly drafted document had addressed some of these changes but had also reflected a changed structure of the Mountain Ambulance Service (MAS), by putting additional responsibilities and power with the Mountain Ambulance Commission. This was discussed and mostly agreed upon that this was not what the Towns were looking for.

This was brought up with Attorney Bartels when the conference call started. Kendall led the group in the conference call and explained our position. Bartels explained that he had used the original as the basis and taking what we had plus the additional changes we asked for, to create the new document, stating that the old document was missing some things as far as a legal document goes. He explained what legal entities” were, being that the Towns are legal entities and they created the legal entity of the Mountain Ambulance Commission, which was created to run the Mountain Ambulance Service, which in and of itself is not a legal entity. He went on to explain what powers the Towns could bestow upon the Commission, as little or as much as the Towns decide.

The conversation with Attorney Bartels went on to explain how he came up with the description of the authority of the Commission and how that related to the Town and to the Ambulance Service. In a nutshell, there were holes in the original document as to who clearly has power or authority over certain things in distinct cases. The new document addressed these but the Towns still needed to decide exactly what authorities and powers the Commission was to hold. Booth asked whether the Towns still had authority to determine what the powers of the Commission, and to what extent those powers are. Bartels answered yes. Hogan asked if the Commission was a legal entity because of the title of Commission or could there be a board of directors per se. Bartels responded that you could have a group of volunteers/representatives from the communities or a board of directors to fact find, relay information, oversee, etc; instead of a commission and that board would not be a legal entity, but instead the Towns would hold sole authority over the MAS. This would be more of an advisory commission. Hogan addressed this issue of the Towns having financial responsibilities and authority that perhaps should not be empowered to the commission. Kendall addressed facts of the commission not handling day-to-day operations and being a “management board”. Also of the Towns not being burdened with such management issues, but rather big picture stuff like capital expenses.

Also mentioned was a few missing details in the new document. It was mentioned that the Towns needed to decide the structure of the commission. Paal Hansen asked if there were specific powers that would be advisable to provide a commission. Bartels responded that it would all depend on what the Towns wanted, such as what happens in an emergency, who hires the administrator, etc; Ownership of assets was addressed, titling vehicles, etc; a balance of measure of control vs. convenience of selling /purchasing.

The proposed document was gone through as it pertained to the Commission and revised in some areas by group consensus. Next step was discussed.  Defining of powers of commission then get it back to Mr. Bartels, and the subsequent meeting to get the fine details down.

There was further discussion after the conference call in regards to actual functioning of the Commission, past and present, job description of the commissioners, what happens in an emergency i.e.; who’s in charge?

Wanner was asked for duties of commissioners currently. Also discussed duties of administrator, what is an “emergency”, annual audit to protect administrator/town.  Discussion of what happens in the event of the MAS administrators absence, routing donations/grants/proceeds directly to MAS, additions/removals from the new document, non-MAS member preference for commissioner, qualities of service as it relates to withdrawal clause, commissioners attendance at meetings, complaint process if problem with MAS. The three Towns also looked through the new document, culling phrases and sections that weren’t pertinent or needed/wanted.

Discussion of what the next move was. Some expressed hopes to have this agreement finalized by year end, but not likely with time left and holidays. Revisions and ideas were to be presented to Attorney Bartels so he could redo the parts of the new document the needed changing.

Next meeting was set to be in Riverview but waiting to hear back from Bartels as to the exact date and time. Motion to adjourn by Booth. Seconded by Uecke. Passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Minutes prepared by T.Uecke, November 6, 2012

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