Meeting of Commissioners
August 25th, 6:30 pm
Mountain Ambulance Station
With the absence of Chairman Booth the meeting was called to order by Secretary Gaie at 6:30 pm.
Commission Members Present:
Riverview: Judy Wanner
Mountain: Jerry Herman
Doty: Bob Gaie, Ruth Dehne
MAS: Mike Pichotta
Absent: Jerry Hull, Mountain
Dick Booth, Riverview
A quorum was present (Intergovernmental Agreement Section 1.2 (H))
Administrators Present: MAS Administrator Chris Schultz
Citizens Present: None
Minutes of the May 26, 2016 Commission Meeting: Motion by Jerry Herman, second by Judy Wanner to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Meeting Posting: Chris Schultz verified the agenda had been sent to the three towns for posting.
Unfinished Business:
- FEMA Grant: Chris reported that the grant has been denied.
- Building Addition: Discussion of the proposed addition adding two bedrooms to the existing building centered around three areas of concern:
- Need….is based on the changing demographics of MAS volunteers. An increasing number of shifts are being filled by EMT’s who are not from the Mountain area. They stay at the station overnight and require sleeping accommodations.
- Timing….The need is immediate. MAS is already relying on out of area volunteers to fill shifts. While the final report of the level of service audit has not yet been received the commission believes that any changes in the way EMS services are provided in Northern Oconto County will require many months/years to be implemented. We can’t wait.
- Funding…. Entire cost of the project will be paid for by FOMAS, there will be no cost to the three towns. FOMAS has collected the monies with the stipulation that it be used for the building addition. They have decided that the monies will be returned to the donors if not used for the addition. Final plans would still need to be approved by the three town boards.
Motion was made by Ruth Dehne, second by Jerry Herman to recommend to the town boards that they, at their September board meeting, authorize MAS to go ahead with plans and specifications with pricing for the building addition. Motion carried unanimously.
- Crack sealing: Judy Wanner will check with Riverview.
- 2017 Ambulance Purchase: Table until the September meeting.
New Business:
- 2017 Budget: Table until the September meeting.
- Insurance Bid: Chris reported that MAS has been purchasing insurance from American Alternative Ins. Corp. at a cost of $13,061.00 per year. He has received a quote from Family
- Insurance Center for $5,504.00. A savings of $7,557.00. Chris will investigate further and report to the commission which proposal he thinks is best for MAS.
- Patient Account Bid: Chris reported that we are paying LifeQuest 17% to provide billing services. EMS Billing has offered to provide this service for 8%, however there would be some start up costs. LifeQuest has agreed to reduce their rate to 9 ½ %. In light of the startup charges MAS will continue to use LifeQuest.
Other Business:
Judy Wanner requested additional information on two checks that were issued.
Chris reported that Wabeno EMS is having volunteer and cost problems and faces an uncertain future.
Adjournment: With no additional business to come before the Commission, Secretary Gaie adjourned the meeting at 7:20 pm.
Upcoming Meetings:
September 22nd, 2016 6:30 pm MAS station
Minutes submitted by Secretary Bob Gaie