The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hull at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office. Roll call was taken with Hull, Ustianowski, Lauterborn and Kauzlaric present, as well as 14 in attendance. The agenda was posted on March 7, 2016. Motion to approve Agenda by Lauterborn. Seconded by Ustianowski. Motion carried. The Pledge of Allegiance is said.
Treasurer’s Report was given by Kauzlaric with bank statements available for review. Motion to accept Treasurer’s report by Hull. Seconded by Lauterborn. Motion carried.
Minutes of the Town Board meeting held February 8, 2016 were available for review. Motion to accept minutes by Ustianowski. Seconded by Lauterborn. Motion carried. .
Budget Amendments – none at this time.
Disbursements were available for all to review; checks #22914 to and including #22966 for disbursement of $39,840.04, which includes auto withdrawal of payroll taxes and First Merit Loan payments; plus late checks #22967 to and including #22969 in the amount of $2,238.55 for a total disbursement of $42,078.59. Motion to approve disbursements by Lauterborn. Seconded by Hull. Motion carried.
Ambulance Report – Chairman Hull stated the next meeting is May 26th. No motions are entertained.
Fire Department Report – Chief Harkema reported 1 fire; 1 accident; great training on 3/7/16 at the Town of Riverview; information received at a recent training that they anticipate the potential for wild fires is extremely high this year. No motions are entertained.
Humane Officer Report is given by Clerk Kauzlaric with 5 calls for January and February. No motions are entertained.
Cemetery Report – Sup. Ustianowski stated that Suring School shop class has provided us with the materials list for the garage project; they have been distributed to the 3 local hardware stores and Menards will also be contacted; Mr. L stated that it would take the class 2 days to complete. No motions are entertained.
Planning Commission Report –
– Business Park Lots #4 & 5 Offer to Purchase – Chairman Hull explained offer presented to the Planning Commission by Dovetail Construction with contingencies requested for building timeframe of 24 months and building size of 2,400 sq. ft./acre. Motion to approve purchase by Lauterborn. Seconded by Ustianowski. Motion carried.
– Business Park Lot #9 Offer to Purchase – Chairman Hull explained offer presented to the Planning commission by Arrowhead Trucking to relocate and move trucking business to Mountain. Motion to approve by Lauterborn. Seconded by Hull. Motion carried.
7 Town Board Meeting Discussions – Sup. Ustianowski reported on the EMS Task Force meeting – consultants available with quote of $8,000 plus no more than $1,000 in expenses provided; Sup. Lauterborn commented that there were 7 fire fighters from the Mountain Department, which he was impressed with the representation. No motions are entertained.
Communication File is reviewed and list is signed.
Bids – Dump/plow Truck – Clerk Kauzlaric reported that 1 bid was received. Motion to accept bid received by Lauterborn. Seconded by Hull. Motion carried. Clerk Kauzlaric opened and read bid received from Steve Elbe, Jr. at JNS Enterprises LLC; board members discussed minimum bid amount with bid received over amount by $156. Motion to accept bid by Ustianowski. Seconded by Hull. Motion carried.
Bids – Power washer – Clerk Kauzlaric reported that no bids were received for power washer. Item tabled to next meeting.
USDA Direct Loan & Grant Program – Chairman Hull discussed information received from Chris at Mountain Ambulance Services after attending meeting presented by USDA representatives; Clerk Kauzlaric reported that USDA representative stated that Town of Mountain is one of only 40 communities in Wisconsin eligible for special grant program; Town Board members discussed looking at equipment needs and look into grant application process and bring information back at April Town Board Meeting. Motion that we go forward with grant process by Lauterborn. Seconded by Ustianowski. Motion carried.
Town Roadside Car Killed Deer pickup – Chairman Hull discussed communication received from Oconto County that they will no longer pick up deer killed on town roads at no charge; discussion on number of deer noticed killed on town roads. Motion that we continue with Oconto County by Hull. Seconded by Lauterborn. Motion carried.
C.W.P.P. (re: brush site) – Sup. Ustianowski discussed information received from meeting held in Town of Riverview; grant application deadline is July 1st; town would need land available, fencing and driveway. Table to gather more information.
2016/2017 Sodium Chloride Municipal Agreement (Road Salt) – 2015/2016 application information available for Town Board information; Shop Foreman discussed that about 60 ton left this year; predicted about 75 ton would be needed for 2016/2017 season. Motion to order 75 ton by Hull. Seconded by Lauterborn. Motion carried.
Delinquent Personal Property Taxes – Clerk Kauzlaric provided report of Delinquent taxes provided after audit performed; auditor questioned if Town Board would want to write off older taxes already sent to collection company. Motion that we try to collect with notifications sent this year by Hull. Seconded by Lauterborn. Motion carried.
Supervisor Lauterborn resignation – Sup. Lauterborn gave notification that he would be moving and April would be final board meeting; remaining Town Board members requested he stay on thru the Annual Town meeting on April 19th. Motion to accept resignation as of April 20th by Hull. Seconded by Ustianowski. Lauterborn abstained. Motion carried.
Hearing of the People brought about concerns relating to letter sent by FOMAS requesting donations for building addition not approved by 3 Town Boards; discussion that FOMAS is an independent entity and able to send out donation letters; question as to what the animal control officer does with dead dogs.
MABA meeting Thursday, March 17th 6:00 p.m. @ Mulligan’s
Planning Commission MONDAY, April 4th 7:00 p.m. @ Town Office (day change due to Election)
Presidential Preference & Spring Election Tuesday, April 5th 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. @ Town Office
Town Board Meeting Tuesday, April 12th 7:00 p.m. @ Town Office
Town Annual Meeting Tuesday, April 19th 7:00 p.m. @ Town Office
Motion to adjourn by Lauterborn. Seconded by Ustianowski. Motion carried. Time is 7:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted for approval by,
Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk