6 TB Minutes March 17, 2014

6-Town Meeting
Breed, Doty, Lakewood, Mountain, Riverview and Townsend
March 17, 2014

Joanne Roy, Lakewood Chairperson, opened the 6-Town Meeting in the Lakewood Administrative Building with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.  Roll call: Lakewood-Joanne Roy, Lee Spletter & Gigi Bartels; Breed-Richard VandeWettering & Ethel Firgins; Doty- Dick Kendall & Bob Gaie; Mountain- No one; Riverview-Ann Hogan, Michael Rzepka & Dick Booth; Townsend- Bruce Karow; Townspeople- Nicole Lowery  (Lakewood Librarian) and 6-Town Secretary Pam Bursek.

Ann Hogan approved minutes from 03/17/14 meeting and current agenda, Lee Spletter 2ndall were in favor.

Brush site-Doty has interest of possible 1 day pick up at Boulder Lake and a 1-day curbside pick up from edge of road.  Will look into more with Riverview and DNR grants.

The Satellite office committee discussed costs and interest fees.  Town’s narrowed list to 2-3 options.  2 Best were Brunner’s and M.L. Plumbing.  Committee will find out lowest prices and check on prices, financing & get County Board Reps to look at buildings with a walk through.  Committee will come back with options for 6-Towns to explore at next meeting.  Item was tabled.

Hogan then discussed recreational options with the Town’s.  She mentioned IF Forest County drops the ball on the A.T.V. Recreational Trail, it may be an opportunity for the 6-Town’s to look into.  Item is tabled until further information is available.

Hogan mentioned a joint posting of roads to cut costs down.  Lakewood opted to post the joint ads for Town’s and bill out for ads. In the future.

Business Update- the new Cellcom, C-Us-4Wireless has opened in Townsend at 17939 Hwy 32 in the old Bling’s & Things building.

Karow gave a brief update on the OCEDC and mentioned the next meeting will be at Red Maple 04/28/2014.  They will be discussing trail info.

Other business:  Kendall asked Town’s for Town Hall security information if any have or use any.  No Town’s did at this time due to costs.  Roy mentioned that last Humane Officer bill had unemployment fees and charged Lakewood hours and mileage to pick up donations.  Roy also mentioned that OC is granting variances to move closer to the water without Lakewood being notified or going through the Comp Plan or Town.  Spletter said there is a surveyor that is looking to sell old maps of Towns and if anyone would be interested in buying them to talk to Spletter.

Public comment-Nicole Lowery introduced herself as the new head of the Lake’s Country Library in Lakewood and if anyone ever had any questions she would be glad to try to answer them anytime.

Next meeting will be in Riverview May 19th, 2014 at 6:30pm.

With no further business, Kendall made a motion to adjourn, VanderWettering 2nd all were in favor, MC.  Meeting adjourned at 8:24pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela J. Bursek, Secretary 6-Town’s

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