The meeting was called to order by Chairman Herman at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office. Roll call was taken with Litscher, Ustianowski, Maletzke and Herman present as well as 1 in attendance; Hull absent. The agenda was posted on December 2, 2013. Motion to approve the Agenda by Maletzke. Seconded by Litscher. Motion carried.
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting November 5, 2013 were available for review. Motion to accept minutes by Herman. Seconded by Ustianowski. Motion carried.
Possible Joint Effort with Town of Riverview for Infrastructure Development – moved to end of meeting to wait for Bruce Mommaerts.
Past Determinations / Public Comments – Member Litscher requests to be replaced; suggested Floyd Schmidt or his wife (had construction business).
Communications – none
Next Planning Commission Meeting Tuesday, January 7, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. (Maletzke will be out of state)
Possible Joint Effort with Town of Riverview for Infrastructure Development – Bruce Mommaerts presented information to commission members; discussed Nicolet Water is expanding (possibly create @ 30 new jobs) and need for three phase power to keep costs down; research that possibly three (3) businesses could benefit from three phase; also discussed option of the two Towns to establish a Cooperative and possible grants available; Member Maletzke questioned if conflict of interest to supply for one manufacturer; Bruce Mommaerts to gather more information and will be meeting with Town of Riverview on Wednesday, December 4th to discuss options. Tabled for further research.
Motion to adjourn by Herman. Seconded by Maletzke. Motion carried. Time is 8:19 p.m.
Respectfully submitted for approval by,
Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk