The meeting was called to order by Chairman Herman at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office. Roll call was taken with Hull, Schmidt, Ustianowski, Maletzke and Herman present as well as 1 in attendance. The agenda was posted on March 3, 2014. Motion to approve the Agenda by Herman. Seconded by Maletzke. Motion carried.
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting January 7, 2014 were available for review. Motion to accept minutes by Maletzke. Seconded by Ustianowski. Motion carried.
Application for Land Division – Boede – Land owner available to discuss proposed land division; one parcel to keep 1 acre with house and garage; second parcel to be 39 acres with easement for access as recreational property; Oconto County is requesting land donation for road improvement of cul de sec for possible school bus turn around; south of lot line is Forestry-contact with DNR stated that turn around currently sufficient (don’t feel the need for cul du sec). PC Members discussed need for lot to be 1 acre plus easement; also need for CSM, which land owner stated he wanted to find out requirement prior to expense of CSM, he has been in contact with a surveyor and will proceed. Motion to approve Land Division concept contingent on Certified Survey map by Ustianowski. Second by Herman. Motion carried. Recommendation to Town Board.
Conditional Use Permit Application – WICO Inc. – Agent not available but forwarded pictures of mobile home requiring Conditional Use Permit; PC Members discussed homes typically are up to all codes. Motion to approve by Maletzke. Seconded by Hull. Motion carried. Recommendation to Town Board.
Past Determinations / Public Comments – none
Communications – none
Next Planning Commission Meeting MONDAY, March 31, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. (due to April 1st election)
Motion to adjourn by Ustianowski. Seconded by Schmidt. Motion carried. Time is 7:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted for approval by,
Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk