Planning Commission Minutes June 1, 2010


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bollenbach at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office.  Roll call was taken with Hull, Kuschel, Lauterborn, Herrman and Bollenbach present as well as 6 in attendance.  The agenda was posted on May 29, 2010. Motion to approve the Agenda by Herman.  Seconded by Kuschel.  Motion carried.

Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting April 5, 2010 were available for review.  Motion to accept minutes by Hull.  Seconded by Lauterborn.  Motion carried.

Conditional Use Application – Carol Yokeum – Carol Yokeum was available to answer questions regarding Conditional Use with question regarding hours of operation (which would be Sunday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. and Friday & Saturday from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.)  Motion to accept by Lauterborn.  Seconded by Herman.  Motion carried.  Recommendation to Town Board.

Application for Land Division – Marvin VanGroll – Harry (Jess) Smith from Northeast Surveying, agent for Marvin VanGroll, was present to discuss application; YMCA to deed 85’ to Marvin VanGroll to bring property to 1 acre lot; need to rezone to residential single family.  Motion to approve application as per current zoning to proposed by Herman.  Seconded by Hull.  Motion carried.  Recommendation to Town Board.

Application for Land Division – Bruce Pfaff/Ruth May – Bruce Pfaff and Paul Shallow from Shallow Surveying, LLC, agent for Bruce Pfaff, available to discuss application; Ruth May to deed over 2.378 acres to make Bruce Pfaff’s lot a 3 acre lot; current lot zoned residential single family and Ruth May’s lot is Rural Residential; would like to rezone full lot to Rural Residential.  Motion to accept application by Hull.  Seconded by Lauterborn.  Motion carried.  Recommendation to Town Board.

Past Determinations – Chairman Bollenbach discussed need to review current Building Ordinance in relation to Town Comprehensive Plan.  Members agreed to add to next agenda in which there are other items also.

Communications – none

Next Planning Commission Meeting July 6, 2010

Motion to adjourn by Lauterborn.  Seconded by Kuschel.  Motion carried.  Time is 7:16 p.m.

Respectfully submitted for approval by,

Lynn Kauzlaric, Clerk